GLOSSARY Collaborative learning: Gaining understanding and building new knowledge together Competence: A person’s ability to do something well including knowledge, skills and needed attitudes Competence-based curriculum: A curriculum which is based on the outcomes of the learning process rather than the traditional subject-based assessment. Focus is placed on learning competences defined at the beginning of the learning process. Examples of these in Haaga-Helia Porvoo campus curriculum: personal growth competences (e.g., time management, selfmanagement, teamwork skills and critical thinking), business and entrepreneurial competences (e.g., entrepreneurial thinking, savvy use of digital tools, analysis of business operations, creativity and future orientation) and sales and service competences (e.g., customer understanding, value creation, negotiation skills and concept development) Competency: Very closely associated with, or in some cases a synonym for, competence. It can also refer to qualifications Experiential learning: An active way of learning - learning through experience and learning by doing Flipped classroom: Synonym of flipped learning, emphasis on elementary education Flipped learning: Students familiarising themselves with the topics in advance and focusing on discussion of the difficult points in class or the lecture - schoolwork at home and homework at school HEI: Higher Education Institution. Institutions providing higher, postsecondary, tertiary education, including traditional universities and universities of applied sciences Inquiry learning / Inquiry-based learning: Students are presented with a task/challenge (by the commissioner), then they decide on the goals and content as well as the theoretical framework. The most important thing is to build knowledge together with a team. In inquiry learning, students take charge of their learning, they are in the centre of the activity. Lecturers act as facilitators of learning, they guide the learning process. The learning process is shared with other learners. Observation, reflection, assessment and development are emphasised throughout the process: students get feedback from peers, lecturers as well as the industry representatives. They reflect on their own learning and the goals set out at the beginning. In the end, the intention is for knowledge to be shared. The method gives students competences that they need in the work life Knowledge triangle: A model of universitybusiness co-operation where the actors are university lecturers, students and industry representatives 101