Success Project

how learning environments enhance learning, and the expression of individuality and sense of community in the curriculum. Any chosen pedagogical approach must be defined and shared by all the participants (Ritalahti, 2015). Student centred learning enables efficient learning and can also offer teachers new teaching experiences to make the work more meaningful. It is a possibility that teachers relying on old methods of transferring knowledge could perhaps be replaced by artificial intelligence and other modes of modern technology. This is in line with the fact that the work of teachers is changing owing to several factors including digitalization, globalization and the pandemic with the immediate jump to online teaching, etc. These megatrends have also changed the work life and competences needed of graduates therefore HEI must respond to this new demand. Bound and Tan (2022) confirm that learning should shift from traditional teaching of content to dialogic processes with the focus on learners and learning. Old pedagogical tools do not adequately prepare students for a working life that is easy to describe since it is continuously evolving. The role of learners is also shifting to constructors of knowledge and researchers of valid questions which enables them to effectively contribute to society. In addition, the future-oriented learners also have an understanding of and capability for life-long or continuous learning. 3.3. Experiential Learning Experiential learning is an umbrella term that describes pedagogical approaches that enhances learning and attaining competences that are not in reach of more traditional approaches. Kolb (1984) stated that “learning is the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience.” Experiential learning can also be described as pedagogical practices where learning inside educational institution’s walls is transferred to a workplace or workplace setting. In experiential learning, students are engaged to create knowledge, most often together and are also pushed to reflect on their experiences. In experiential learning, students are not simply told what to do, rather they are responsible for their own learning. This experiential learning often takes place through university-industry collaboration. 24