First, they map the challenge and set a goal and target group for the sprint after which they gather initial customer information, sketch and look for solutions and decide on a winning concept. From this point, a prototype is developed and customer feedback is gathered before presenting the solution to the commissioner. The entire event is a win-win deal: the commissioner receives fresh ideas and customer feedback on how their products and innovations are received in the market, and the students learn 21st Century skills and get to work with a real business case. According to Knapp et al.(2016), the typical Design Sprint consists of the following stages: The sprint can be conducted both in-person and online as a remote sprint. At universities, the sprints can have a commissioner from the industry, e.g., designing a social media campaign for a hotel or a destination, designing a marketing concept for a manor house, planning circular economy solutions for a city, planning education export marketing activities, etc. The best thing about sprints is that the participants can learn from each other: cross-pollination with people from different departments (business) or degree programmes (university), and the participants feel motivated with an industry case and commission. The commissioner also gains a lot as s/he gains customer understanding of the target group as well as insight into how the planned service is perceived by the target group. The participants can also use the method for future product development in their workplace. Further, through a Design Sprint, it is possible to learn the 21st Century skills of collaboration, communication, complex problem solving and critical thinking, which are much sought after by employers. 38 Create a map and choose a target for the sprint. Gather preliminary customer understanding. Day 1 Map: Competing Solutions Day 2 Sketch: On the best ideas Day 3 Decide: a realistic prototype Day 4 Build: with target customers Day 5 Test: *Days 2 and 3 are often combined in the latest versions of the sprint to make it into a 4-day training event with 8 hours of work each day