Success Project

Be clear on the outcomes and the expectations of the event Integrate design thinking to create new ideas - this is very important Test tools, data, and entire technology system to be used Create a highly structured schedule that allows the mentors to crosscheck with the developers that the prototype under development is on track Create feedback loops to the hackers as part of the structure Unclear outcomes Low participation from mentors Weak feedback processes 6. Have well-oiled structure 7. Challenges to watch out for Conclusion: Should you sprint, jam or hack? There are some common principles in all design thinking methods discussed above: They are timebound, iterative and intense, they involve visualising the ideas and aim to create solutions, the customer or end-user is part of the design process, and people co-create in cross-expertise teams. In all scenarios, it is important to keep moving all the time, learn by doing, and to experiment and network. All three methods end with a pitch. Based on the short overview of the different methods, it might seem like they are remarkably similar. However, the methods are often applied in different situations and contexts. Hackathons have their roots in the IT industry and traditionally the solution requires some programming. Design Sprints follow a more structured process and are conducted in an orderly manner with preplanned steps. Jams, on the other hand, are mostly linked to the experience industry, bringing people to have fun together while innovating. After all, the concept of jams originates from the music industry. The results of design thinking methods can be amazing – and in all of them, the time invested is paid back in so many ways, for example by creating impact and value. The best thing about the methods of design thinking is that they all enable collaboration across departments, industries, countries and continents – and end up offering all participants new insights, ideas and connections. 4.2. Methods for interactive teaching and learning: The following section outlines different techniques that allows for interactive teaching and learning: 41