Success Project

Figure 4.2. Fishbowl Source: University of New Hampshire, 2023 To draw the concluding remarks on the main outcomes of the session/training/module To create a comprehensive understanding of/ showcase the diversity of opinions To allow and encourage all participants to give feedback and/or share their opinion The lecturer should resist the temptation to interject or express their personal opinions, and only intervene if the discussion comes to an end or becomes unfocussed (Wolfe, 2003) In order to maximise effectiveness, large groups should be broken up and two or three fishbowls should be created The classroom needs to be reorganized as the chairs will need to be set in two circles. As such, it is important that the space allows for some empty space and that table and chairs are easy to move around The fishbowl has traditionally been considered a face-to-face method, but during COVID-19, its applications in online teaching have become more common (Han & Hamilton, 2022; Hertling et al., 2022). According to Han and Hamilton (2022), a well-planned online fishbowl can provide social presence with little technological burden. Online applications of this method may require more structured instructions and is less flexible owing to the limitations of online interactions relative to those in live session. The fishbowl may seem a rather complex method for “first-timers”, thus it is essential to provide clear instructions to all participants before beginning the activity. It often helps if some of the participants are somewhat familiar with the method, as they may lead by example on how to engage in the discussion from outside of the bowl and at what stage to leave the inner circle for example. The fishbowl method was utilised during the training sessions of the SUCSESS project for several key reasons: Things to consider when implementing the fishbowl 48