Supervision Process guidance Throughput or list those in pipeline and contextualize with timeframes Illustration accompanied by any tools or guides or platform implemented to guide the process or administrative aspects Examples of supervisor-student contracts/ agreements Examples of progress reports and reporting to higher degrees committee etc. Academic guidance A narrative or explanation of how academic guidance is provided Examples of any material, reading lists, tools, templates or guides on the academic side Examples of how feedback is provided in a proposal, chapter, paper/article or even a measuring instrument in the making Any published work with students Emotional support and/or feedback from students Explanation or narrative on how such support is provided or which platforms are applied Examples of communication between supervisor and student with a support element Some feedback form students in student feedback or testimonial letters or tank you notes Assessment and/or feedback from external examiners An example of how feedback is provided to students as well as an indication of timeframe Some external examiner reports that illustrate competence or even note some areas for growth (here one can illustrate improvement over years as well). Teaching and learning leadership in department/ faculty external community Show links between internal committee work and one’s best skills, strengths, expertise or contributions on departmental, College or University level with contextualized narrative or table format illustration Any evidence that show affiliation to a panel, professional body, group, external community or even a with a collaboration with contextualized narrative on what one’s role entails or one’s contribution (it is wise to link it to expertise) Any inclusion of guest speakers, organizing of events, conferences etc. that involve other academics, industry role players or colleagues (apply or illustrate how it links directly or indirectly to teaching) Any funding that was sources for teaching and learning (even in an indirect way) with clear indication/explanation of one’s role Any evidence of internationalization and MoU’s or collaborative projects or endeavors described with clear indication of one’s role Recognition of teaching by others 65