To prepare students for practice (the real world) and to learn through doing Learn to solve problems and apply knowledge and learn from mistakes Facilitate action learning and set up the challenges that promote learning Action oriented and promotes experiments and opportunities to learn from mistakes What is needed to solve pertinent problems of the field or times Constructivism: “We do not learn from experience...we learn from reflecting on experience” - John Dewey To assist students to construct knowledge Make sense of new knowledge Facilitate opportunity for sense-making or refection and synthesis Synthesis oriented; student centredinquiry based learning Integrated knowledge of disciplines *Eclecticism: Mix of more than two *Be careful when mixing philosophies, as some are opposing. You might consider looking at those that align and conclude that you predominantly apply a certain philosophy and also apply principles of another that is in line with the primary one. In this regard, it is ultimately about being authentic and not to try impress others with knowledge and too much theory on philosophy. Introduction of yourself Your teaching philosophy Your teaching practice that involves all the activities as well as assessment and post graduate supervision Your impact Your future plans and/or concluding remarks on what the future entails (including things that you want to improve) There are several components of a teaching portfolio, and each individual institution would want to see the various aspects that they consider most important reflected in the portfolio. A typical teaching portfolio is comprised of the following sections: The following template is a classical structure that can be adjusted in accordance with the institutional requirements. The template may be changed or adjusted as needed. 5.3. Putting it all together in the teaching portfolio 69