Success Project

Digital innovation Increased use of Padlet Promote innovative thinking Enhance interaction with online research databases Digital transformation Technology has a role in assisting to solve complex social issues. The use of iPads in the research modules adds interest and curiosity amongst the students towards what is generally perceived as a difficult module. Learning experience Increased / improved teamwork and collaboration Conducive and relatable learning platform Enhanced learning experience A means to engage on current and topical research issues Peer learning and peer reviewing of each other’s research projects Increased confidence Create an environment Conducive and respectful peer reviewing of each other’s work The environment must be allowed to develop itself (students to sit as groups in a way that is comfortable to them, so that that they are allowed to express themselves) The environment must stimulate critical thinking and innovation Increase diversity Provide encouragement Try to emphasise collective respect towards each other’s views Mix up groups to be representative of everyone Unpredictability of the power / electricity supply (country-wide challenge) Low participation from certain group members – thus affecting the collective Insufficient number of devices to fast-track outputs Weak feedback processes from peers for fear of creating enemies Purpose Challenges to watch out for 85