Criteria for assessment were linked to various employability attributes, skills and competencies, for example, communication, technical skills in video editing, teamwork and enthusiasm. In their reflections, students were required to provide information on their experiences, knowledge, skills and competencies gained, as well as challenges experienced and areas of improvement. Students commented on their experiences by highlighting “software skills”, “first-hand knowledge” from the community, “communication in a group setting”, “understanding other communities”, “endurance”, “interview” skills, and “time management”, among others. In their reflection on areas of improvement, students communicated a need to further develop their technical skills in, for example, compressing video files, planning their time better and communicating more effectively in groups and with community partners. Again, a group of the students presented their experiences at the SUCSESS@UP: Integrating industry, ingenuity and initiative! seminar on 31 October 2022 (University of Pretoria, 2022). Aside from some challenges experienced by facilitators, students and community members, the community partners were mostly optimistic about the project resulting in the continuation of the project into 2023 with a new group of HCT honours students. In the longer term, in-service learning is set to become a more permanent feature of the EFK 758 module course, potentially with other community partners and integration with earlier study years. 95 Famous People of Mamelodi, Life in Mamelodi, Education in Mamelodi Mamelodi Historical sites and events Community mentors and HCT students met on 1 September 2022 for the first time, and on 14 September community mentors led a tour of Mamelodi. Students also received further training on ArcGIS StoryMap Software in the newly established SUCSESS Digital Capability Lab at the UP on 5 October 2022 (Figure 6.10). During their final presentation to community partners on 20 October 2022, students were assessed on various criteria by lecturers, community partners, peer reviews, and self-reflection. The students produced the following four themed StoryMaps: